Early maturing (from the end of July) and very high-yielding variety. Stable, bushy growing plants with small, round, shiny dark-purple fruits with purple calyxes. Fruit diameter about 6-10 cm. Firm, greenish white flesh with a very fine, fruity aroma. For outdoor, protected cultivation; also suitable for cultivation in pots.
Robust, vigorous aubergine for outdoor cropping with a dwarf (50 cm high) growing habit. The oval purple-white streaked fruits weigh ca. 200-250g. Flesh is firm with an aromatic taste.
Crops early. The slender fruits grow to 22-25 cm in length and approx. 8 cm in diameter. Skin strongly purple-coloured and glossy.
Crops early. The pearshaped fruits grow to 16-18 cm in length and 10-12 cm in diameter. Skin strongly purple-coloured and glossy.
Beautiful dark purple, elongated, cylindrical fruits with a green, slightly prickly calyx. Fruit length 20-25 cm. Good taste with very little bitterness. Medium-early ripening variety, for greenhouse cultivation; in warm locations can be planted outdoors.
Vigorous market garden variety with long oval shaped, deep purple fruits. Sepals are only slightly prickly. Uniform fruits. Its harmonious form makes the plant easy to manage. Good typical aubergine taste.
Angela is a sweet, beautifully evenly coloured round beetroot. The colour is dark purple inside and out. The young development is medium fast. The haulm is medium strong, the skin is smooth. Defined transition to the root. The crop is very uniform in size. The variety can be stored very well.
Round variety with a smooth skin and dark red interior. Leaves of medium vigour and fine leaf nodes on the root. Homogenous and well set roots. The variety can be harvested by hand or with the harvesting machine. Stores very well. Sweet, pleasant taste.
Round to oval beetroot with a crown which is set back delicately. Because of its attractive shape, smooth skin, fine foliage and the fast development, it is specially suited for selling fresh in bunches as well for Baby Leaf production. Good keeping qualities. Mild in flavour; good for use in salad.
Vigorous variety with a strong leaf. Round, smooth skinned, very good keeper with very uniformly dark red flesh. Equally well suited for using fresh, for storing and for processing, high potential yield. Pleasant fruity sweet flavour. Also good in salads.
Round ball head type beetroot with a fine crown, semi-vigorous leaf growth and well demarcated roots. A root with a tender, particularly smooth skin and uniform colour throughout. Particularly suited for direct marketing. Ronjana has an agreeable sweet and aromatic flavour.
Amabile ist eine sehr frühe Sorte mit stark gekräuseltem, dunklem, graugrünem Blatt und niedrigem Wuchs. Relativ einheitliche Schnittreife, daher kurzes Erntefenster. Bildet gesunde und recht schwere, sehr feste, weiße Blumen. Hoher Anteil an 8er-Sortierungen. Gute Toleranz gegen Griesigkeit. Feiner, milder Geschmack.
Short growing plants with (for open pollinated broccoli) relatively large and heavy heads (350 g). Dark green and somewhat blunt shoots. Grows rapidly and matures in about 50 days. Long harvesting window. Suitable for market and backyard gardeners. For autumn production. Exceptional flavour.
Vigorous semi-tall broccoli with grey-green leaves. Firm, relatively fine-grained and large heads. Growing period around 60-65 days. Solid flower stalk with no hollow spaces. A second harvest of sprouting broccoli is possible due to strong regrowth of sideshoots. Pleasant, mildy aromatic flavour.
Early to mid-season Brussels sprouts for harvesting up until December (160-170 days to maturity). Medium tall growth. Evenly distributed round and slightly oval sprouts. Not suitable for mechanical harvesting. Earthing up is recommended. Very good taste, mildly aromatic, bred for its flavour. Suitable for both market and backyard gardeners.
Developed from Ishikura Long White. Bunching onion which instead of onions, forms long white and thick stems. Leaves are fresh green and stand very upright. Sowing time bunching onion: Successional beginning of March till mid July. For throughout the season and reasonably frost hardy.
Tall growing fillet bean with dark, very straight, medium long pods. Good standability and high yielding potential. Medium to late growing season. Very good flavour.
Vigorous and robust yellow French bean with slightly curved pods. Pod length 16-18 cm. Early and productive, black seeds. Good flavour.
This very early variety bred by Sativa is ready for harvesting after just 100 days (approx.). These long, Amsterdam-type pointed carrots are crunchy, juicy and very tasty. Perfect for bunched harvest and fresh consumption.
Suitable both for early propagation as well as a carrot for washing and bunching, and later in the year for storage. Pleasant 'rounded' taste, smooth, after washing, reveals its bright orange skin.
Uniform Nantes type variety. With rapid early growth and strong healthy leaves, less sensitive to Alternaria. Grades well, less prone to splitting. Stores well. An intense, sweet carrot flavour. Particularly suitable for heavy soils.
Early/second early carrot with a cylindrical, long root, smooth skin and fine foliage. The root is mid orange and uniformly coloured. Graded very well and uniform. Fynn has a delicate aromatic sweet flavour and fine crisp consistency.
Yellow, strong-growing, pointed carrot with high yield potential. Very healthy foliage and a long storage capacity. Aromatic flavour.
Purple carrots with an orange centre and pleasantly sweet taste. Medium-strong leaves. The purple pigmentation is attributed to a high proportion of anthocyanin, which is thought be healthy. In isolated cases, orange-coloured carrots may form.
Medium-length, wide, conical, cream-white carrot with only little green shoulder and stable foliage. Particularly suitable for cooking, which brings out its plump, warm, carrot-typical taste. Ripening period: approx. 120 days. Very good shelf life.
Miranda is a Nantaise-type carrot with a 120-day ripening period. It has a cylindrical, blunt shape with medium-strong shoulders and smooth skin. The beets are bright orange, have a small to medium heart size and have a delicate aroma reminiscent of roses.
Early Nantes, suitable for early production of bunching carrots, for the fresh market as well as for later cultivation for the short term storage. Smooth and glowing orange skin when washed. Bunches can be harvested after 90 days. Narrow crown and fine leaves. Sweet, rounded, juicy fresh flavour.
Oxhella has an unique medium sized, compact, conical shape and can be marketed as a speciality. Its foliage is very strong, stable and healthy. Roots are 12 cm long. Stimulating aromatic flavour and good internal colour.
Rainer is a high-yielding carrot with a sweet aroma and very good storage properties. The development time is about 130 days. It has excellent haulm health. Sowing from May for harvesting from October. The proportion of marketable produce is high.
Improved "Lange Rote Stumpfe o. Herz". Very long, slim, cylindrical stump rooted autumn and winter carrot. Very good keeping qualities. Evenly coloured and with a well developed sweet, mild, nutty, carrot flavour.
A vigorously growing variety with strong foliage. Large stump rooted, smooth skinned carrots with an intensive orange red colour. Average yield. Very good for storing and large scale production, also for heavy soils. Strong sweetly aromatic flavour. Has a very high Brix value and hence ideal for producing high quality juice.
This carrot is cylindrical, slightly pointed, long and medium-wide. The surface is slightly ringed. The heart is of the same color as the bark. The yield of marketable goods is very high. Youth development is very rapid.
Conical carrot with violet outer skin and a playful range of yellow, orange and violet tones inside. A somewhat broader and courser crown but with a uniformity of form. Fast development (ca. 100 days). Do not sow too early, since violet carrots are particularly susceptible to damage from hail. Strong, long-lasting and sweet flavour.
Bright yellow, 20-25 cm long, smooth-skinned carrots with a rounded tip and strong foliage, selected for taste, shape and color. Suitable for fresh consumption and as a storage carrot. Ripening period: 100–120 days.
A vigorous carrot with a high potential yield for processing. A long truncated root type with a conical shape and a somewhat ribbed skin. Rapid early growth and very healthy, strong leaves. Strongly aromatic and sweet carrot taste.
Mid to late season Nantes type carrot with a 120 day to maturity. High yielding potential, rapid early growth, healthy foliage. The carrot is cylindrical, slim and medium broad. It has a firm and relatively smooth outer surface. Tendency for developing a green crown is minimal. Very good for storing. Powerful aromatic flavour.
Slightly conical Nantes-type carrot with strong upright and healthy foliage. Early maturing, potentially high yielding and uniform variety. For a Nantes variety it stores well. Smooth skin, easily cleaned. Fine flavour that improves with storage.
Relatively low growing cauliflower with heavy, firm and well-covered heads. Homogenous stock. Very late variety. Uniform selection with a high percentage of grade 8 selections. Good harvest quota. Suitable for spring and autumn production, the first positive results for summer cropping are available.
Early, very quick growing cauliflower. Pure white, solid, somewhat ligther heads. Specially suited for early planting under cover and outdoors as well as for autumn production. Leaves should be folded. Uniform harvest period. 8-10 graded. An especially good flavour.
Vigorous, very late autumn variety. Resistant and self covering. The medium sized yet heavy flower heads are creamy coloured, firm and of very good quality. Special, mild, aromatic flavour.
Short stemmed celery variety with oval-shaped tubers. High tuber position and a small root base making it easy to harvest. Also suitable for early planting. High yield potential due to heavy weight of individual tubers. Suitable for bunching too. Strong and aromatic celery flavour.
Bolt-resistant celery suited to all growing periods, from early cultivation under fleece through to the normal May/June planting for storage. Specially resistant to Septoria. Tubers are round and smooth with a light coloured skin; bulbs are set medium high with concentrated root base for ease of harvest; leaves strong and upright. Powerful, aromatic celery flavour.
Compact, uniform, fast growing chard. Can reach a weight of 0.7-1 kg and is ideal for selling as a complete plant. Recommended planting in open ground from july for harvesting in september, also suitable for overwintering in cold greenhouse. Not suitable for spring and summer cultivation.
Limago is a chard that grows well and can be harvested several times. The green, slightly blistered leaf blades of this variety are very upright. The petioles are medium-sized, fleshy, and bright purple in color with fine white stripes on the outside. Limago tastes mildly aromatic and slightly sweet.
Chard with gleaming golden stems and fresh green leaves, selected for its specially good taste. Cut young can be included in Baby Leaf mixes.
Roscho is a chard that grows well and can be harvested several times. The dark purple, rather smooth leaf blades are very upright. The petioles are red and medium-wide. Roscho has an aromatic taste with good sweetness.
Salimo is a chard that grows well and is suitable for repeated harvesting. The dark purple, smooth leaves of this variety are very upright. The petioles are medium-wide, fleshy, and bright dark orange in color. They keep their color even when cooked. Salimo has a tart, aromatic taste with good sweetness.
A high yielding chicory variety for commercial production, suitable for forcing in soil or water. Uniform chicons that are compact and firm. For mid season forcing (mid November to end of January). Moderately vigorous leaves.
Bulbous type with crunchy leaves; flavour: strikingly delicious, aromatic-sweet with a slight bitter note typical of chicory.
Thin-skinned, medium-early ripening habanero variety with a tropical, fruity aroma and intense sharpness. Forms numerous fruits that ripen from light green to shining goldish-yellow, about 6,5 cm long. High-yielding variety for outdoor and greenhouse cultivation. Degree of hotness: 9-10.
Very hot, fruity-aromatic Habanero. The lantern shaped fruits ripen from green-yellow to orange. Especially good in fiery sauces, best used fresh, some of the flavour is lost through drying. Ripening time: around 100 days. Warmth and early propagation is very important! Sharpness grade: 9-10. Very hot!
High yielding, healthy and vigorous chili with attractive 6-8 cm long, slender fruits. Early mid-season. Ripens to yellow. Medium thick flesh. Sharpness grade: 6.
A high-yielding, tasty chilli variety with roundish fruits, varying from dark green to red colour, when matured. The diameter of the fruits is approx. 3 cm. It can be used fresh, dried or pickled. It can be used fresh, dried or pickled. It is suitable for growing in greenhouses as well as outdoors in warmer climate. Degree of hotness: 1-4.
Medium early, high-yielding, mild Habanero variety. Fruits ripen from dark green to glowing red. Combines the typical tropical habanero aroma with a very fine sharpness. Maturing period: 75 days. Cultivation outdoors in warm locations and in greenhouse is recommended. Degree of hotness: 0 - 1.
One of the hottest chilli peppers from ReinSaat breeding. The plants can grow up to 1.2 m high. The fruits are thin-walled, round and long, wrinkly, up to 5-6 cm long and 3 cm wide. As they ripen, the fruits turn from light green to orange, and finally to an intense red. Tropical and fruity aromatic taste. Relatively early maturing and high yielding. Habanero can be overwintered as a potted plant. Degree of hotness: 9-10.
Chilli variety selected for early ripeness, stable growth and high yield. Bushy growing, large plants with innumerable, bright orange, wedge-shaped, small fruits. The aromatic, sharp chillis are ideal for pickling and drying. Degree of hotness: 6 - 8
Bushy, approx. 35 - 40 cm high, high-yielding variety with small, red, wedge-shaped, sharp chillis. Very suitable for pickling and drying. Entire plant (including unripe fruits) can be hung up for further ripening in autumn. Extremely high-yielding variety. Degree of hotness: 7 - 9
Very decorative, high-yielding chili variety with fruits growing erect in bunches. Bush height approx. 25 cm. Ripening from creamy white via purple to red. Equally suitable for raw consumption, drying and pickling. Extremely nice chilli variety for pot cultivation. Degree of hotness: 5-6
High-yielding chilli variety from ReinSaat breeding. Develops numerous small, bright yellow, wedge-shaped, sharp fruits. Aromatic chilies are ideal for pickling (color retains). Suitable for outdoor and pot cultivation. Degree of hotness: 6 - 8
Bright orange jalapeño with approx. 8 cm long, thick-fleshed fruits, that ripen from green to orange. Very high-yielding variety with compact, stable growth. For raw consumption and processing. Suitable for outdoor and greenhouse cultivation. Degree of hotness: 4 - 5.
Hot chilli variety with pointed, upright growing fruits. Low, bushy plants with numerous 3–4 cm long, thin-fleshed fruits, that ripen from green to red. Ideal variety for drying. Thai chilli is a must for spicy Asian cuisine. Also suitable for pot cultivation. Degree of hotness: 5-6.
Exceptionally beautiful, spiral-shaped, bright orange, sharp chili peppers variety with stable, medium-high growth and lots of hanging, 8 - 12 cm long fruits. Forms very attractive, thin-fleshy, ripening from green to orange fruits. Ideal for raw consumption and for pickling. Degree of hotness: 4 - 6.
Compact, cylindrical chinese cabbage for harvesting in autumn and storage. Heads of 0.8-1.3 kg weight, time to harvest 80-90 days. Can still be sown in early August.
Early high-yield Sativa variety with a very long harvest window. Slightly sweet, nutty and harmonious taste.
Arola is a mixed flowering slender cucumber for the greenhouse with long, mid to dark green fruits, which are slightly prickly. It has a thicker skin than most slender cucumbers but can be also eat with its skin. Arola is a very resilient cucumber showing strong resistance to pests and disease and can therefore be harvested well into the autumn. Arola is a real cucumber taste experience! Attention: the fruits are primarily borne on the side shoots. Don't remove them otherwise the fruit is removed too. The side shoots should be trained unshortened.
Very vigorous, parthenocarpic 'snake' cucumber for the greenhouse with 30 cm long fruits. Fine, smooth, dark green cucumber with very little cork ribbing. Long harvesting period, robust, also suitable for extensive cultivation conditions.
Parthencarpic cucumber for protected cropping. Forms long smooth fruits of a mid to deep green colour. The variety bred in north Germany is susceptible to tip burn in hot situations, hence the need to provide shade. Helena may form the odd male flower if under stress. The fruits are of an exceptional flavour.
Kalomira is a vigorous seedless mini cucumber with smooth skinned and slim fruits. 18 cm long fruits, mid-green in colour and weighing around 200 g. Good potential yields and a fresh crisp taste.
Visually appealing cucumber for processing witb harmonious, somewhat stocky fruit with a strong shine, dark peel and few prickles. The variety is productive till the end of the season after a somewhat late start. Good leaf health, long season. Very good aromatic taste.
Good yielding, mixed flowering salad cucumber with green medium long, smooth skinned fruits, ca. 20 cm long. Suited to both outdoor and greenhouse cultivation. Because of its compact form well suited as a snack cucumber. Very good flavour, virtually no bitterness.
High-yielding, early maturing cucumber variety. The 35 - 40 cm long, slightly prickly, bitter-free fruits are almost seedless when young and have a very crunchy, sweet flesh. Can be cultivated with multiple shoots on vertical support or on the ground (forms curved fruits). Powdery mildew resistant variety.
Late maturing autumn garlic with medium sized cloves and very good storage capacity. The external skin of the bulb is white with pale brown markings. 11 to 15 cloves per bulb with tightly sitting clove membrane. Pleasant rounded flavour with a spiciness that suits raw consumption and with a juicy consistency.
Shintokiwa ist eine robuste, gemischtblühende Schlangengurke. Sie bildet sattgrüne, lange, gerade Früchte mit kompaktem, sehr geschmackvollem Fruchtfleisch. Sie ist widerstandsfähig gegen Schädlinge und Krankheiten.
Die Sorte Silvia bildet kleine, dunkelgrüne, 8–12 cm lange Gurken. Die Pflanzen sind starkwachsend und gemischt blühend.
Modern, spherical, white variety bred by Sativa. Robust and fast-growing all year round from spring through to autumn. Firm yet tender and less prone to lignification.
Compared to Enrico, it develops somewhat flatter tubers with more prolific foliage and takes 3-5 days more before it is ready to harvest. Both varieties are made attractive through their vigorous growth, high yield and lack of woodiness.
A creamy-white variety with flattened round ‘bulbs’ that develops rapidly. Suitable for spring and autumn cropping. Develops 3-4 days faster than Rasko. Low tendency to split and to develop purple tints. Easy to harvest with a high quality. Pleasantly mild kohlrabi taste.
A well formed homogeneous kohlrabi with creamy-white flattened ‘bulbs’. Good stability, easy to harvest. Average leaf vigour. Medium to quick growth period, similar to Rasko. Suitable for growing outside throughout the year. Flavoursome taste and pleasantly crunchy.
Kohlrabi for all year-round outdoor cultivation as well as early under glass. Slightly flat and round tuber with strong leaves. Semi erected leaves. Early to medium early maturing. Good uniform growth. Rich flavour, aromatic with a good amount of sweetness. A firm consistency without tending to woodiness.
Dark, late winter leek. Particularly good for overwintering for harvesting in spring, very frost-hardy. Stem length ca. 17 cm. Upright growth without any side bulbs.
Selection from "Blaugrüner Herbst". Medium long stem with a larger proportion of white; dark, blue-green and upright leaf placement. Only a slight tendency to form bulbs. Limited frost resistance. For the late autumn season into the winter. Very good taste.
Fast growing early leek. Bolt resistant, suitable for both early cropping and autumn cultivation. Plants with long shafts, upright leaves, minimal bulb formation and high yielding potential. Particularly good taste.
Tall growing autumn leek with long and reasonably thick stems. Erect leaf arrangement, mid to late season growth. Rarely develops bulbs, readily cleaned, high yielding. Pleasant, aromatic and well balanced flavour.
Fast growing autumn leek with dark leaves and upright leaf structure. Minimal bulb formation, high level of uniformity. Easy to clean and high yielding potential.
Medium sized, very compact oak leaf lettuce. Red brown colour with a fresh green heart. Medium-fast development time. For planting in spring and autumn. Relatively upright growth and therefore less susceptible to rot on the underside. Keeps well on the field and has an aromatic, slightly sweet taste.
Green cabbage lettuce for early production in a cold or heated greenhouse. Second early, compact, well formed, rather smaller heads with strong leaves and a white core. Also suitable with an autumn planting in a protected location in early September.
Compact open ground butterhead lettuce with a quick development and medium heavy heads. Recommended for all year round outdoor cultivation. Well closed underside and fresh light green colour, very bolt resistant. The variety is mildly aromatic with a typical lettuce flavour and a slight bitter sweet nutty aftertaste.
Quick growing, green oak leaf lettuce, specially suited for growing under glass or plastic. Compact, densely filled, firm heads with healthy leaves. Also suitable for all year round outdoor cultivation. Crisp-fresh taste.
Second early, glowing, fresh green cabbage lettuce. Classic butterhead. Forms large, heavy heads with well finished undersides. Good resistance against downy mildew and leaf tip browning. For spring and autumn cultivation outdoors. Very tender and good a tasting, buttery, mildly-spicy aroma.
A rich red tinted Batavian variety with glistening slightly bubbly leaves. Forms large rosettes with a loose head. Quick growth. For use throughout the season. High resistance to Rhizoctonia.
Very quick growing indoor lettuce with fresh green, slightly blistered leaves and good head formation. About one week earlier than Briweri. Healthy well sealed underside.
Small plants with a sturdy head. Leaf structure and taste reminiscent of Batavia. Green leaves with red specks. The plants can be planted closer together than normal. For the entire outdoor growing season.
Small plants with a sturdy head. Leaf structure and taste reminiscent of Batavia. Light green leaves. The plants can be planted closer together than normal. For the entire outdoor growing season.
Free growing Charentais Melon with an even setting of fruit and an average weight of 600 g. Simple to grow. Specially suitable for growing in a greenhouse and training them up. But the outdoor cultivation is also possible. Particularly aromatic flavour.
Rose de Keruel is a large, pink-bronze coloured onion. Very uniform, upright foliage of intermediate vigour. Early maturing, productive, very uniform. Stores very well, rose tinted flesh, visually very appealing. Relatively sweet, minimal acridity. Good flavour.
Low growing, compact, dense Pak Choi of a medium to light green colour. Very broad, tender midribs on well placed leaves. Recommended for autumn cultivation. Good flavour, mild and sweet.
Aromata was developed from a gene bank variety using an intensive process of sensorial selection. Aromata has slim butter coloured roots. The special sweetness and well developed aroma of its firm and juicy roots make it highly suitable for raw consumption.
Engländer is a vigorous parsnip with healthy foliage. The roots develop long and are slightly conical.
Smooth-skinned, fairly white, beautifully formed parsnip. The crown is only slightly indented. Because it is not too wide at the top and it has particularly firm flesh, the Schleswiger Schnee can withstand the mechanical washing process (only rarely there are bruises) and stores well.
Medium-early ripening, very high-yielding, massive bell peppers from ReinSaat breeding. Large, thick-fleshed, elongate- square fruits with a fresh, fruity aroma and balanced sweetness; ripen from dark green to red. Fruit weight approx. 300 g. Suitable for fresh consumption and fresh market sale.
Particularly beautiful bell pepper selected for health, yield and sweet-fruity taste. Broad-blocky, thick-walled fruits change color from dark green to deep orange as they ripen. Fruit weight approx. 250 g. Resistant to Tomato spotted wilt orthotospovirus (TSWV).
Low growing and compact mini-pepper. Medium early ripening and potential for a high yield. Robust and vigorous. Very sturdy. 10 to 12 cm long, slightly conical, thick-walled fruits which ripen from green to carmine red. Especially suited for outdoor cultivation and growing in tubs or raised beds. The fruits keep very well after harvest. Aromatic and delicious.
Early ripening, extraordinarily high-yielding sweet pepper variety for outdoor cultivation. Thick-walled, approx. 15 cm long and approx. 60 g heavy fruits, that ripen from dark green to red, have fresh, sweet taste. Stable plant structure. Ideal for fresh market sale and processing. Also suitable for greenhouse cultivation.
From light green to orange, an early ripening pointed pepper with minimal seed base. Thin-walled around 18-22 cm long fruits. Strong and tall-growing. Long harvest period. For growing under cover. Sweet and aromatic in flavour.
Long shaped variety with pointed (ca. 20 cm long, 200 g heavy) large, gleaming dark green, late fruit that ripen to red. The variety is notable for its enormous growing power and its health. Very tolerant of earth borne diseases. The thick walled, ripe, red fruits are particularly tasty and a real experience for the palate!
Elongate-blocky fruits with a balanced sweet and fruity taste. Fruits, that ripen from dark green to chocolate brown, with medium-thick, brick-red flesh. Fruit weight approx. 160 g. Medium early ripening bell pepper variety for greenhouse and outdoor cultivation.
Vigorously growing, extraordinarily high-yielding Lamuyo type sweet pepper variety from ReinSaat breeding. The approx. 25-30 cm long and approx. 110 g heavy, shiny red, medium-thick fleshed fruits ripen from green to red and develop sweetness even when they are green. Extremely tasteful. Trellising of plants is possible in greenhouse.
Fantastic, early-ripening, clover-shaped outdoor pepper. Forms very beautiful flat-round, ribbed fruits that ripen from green to deep yellow with firm, sweet-aromatic flesh. Fruit weight of approx. 150-160 g. High-yielding outdoor variety with good vigour. Also suitable for pot cultivation.
Violetta bell pepper variety from ReinSaat breeding and characterized by particularly strong, stable vegetation. Large, thick-walled, crunchy bell pepper ripen from deep purple to green and on to red. Fruit weight approx. 210 g. Typical fruity paprika aroma. Ideal for fresh consumption and for market sale.
Blaue Anneliese is a blue-fleshed, blue-skinned, late-ripening and waxy potato. The oval variety is characterized by a pleasantly strong taste. It contains healthy anthocyanins that have an immune-boosting effect. It is resistant to late blight, has a high yield and is also well suited to drier soils. Nematode Resistance: Ro1(7), 3(8), 5(6).
Heidemarie is a yellow-skinned, waxy, medium-early, long-oval potato variety. It is characterized by a deep yellow flesh color and a strong taste.
Heiderot is characterized by a red flesh color and a slightly buttery, tasty potato flavor. It is a red-skinned, medium-late, waxy potato variety with long-oval tubers. She has a smooth shell and flat eyes. High nematode resistance; Ro1 (8), 3 (9), 5 (8).
Rote Emmalie is a red-skinned, high-yielding, mainly waxy, medium-early potato variety. It is characterized by a red flesh color and a delicately spicy, aromatic taste. The plant pigment anthocyanin is responsible for the red flesh of the fruit. The oblong variety has an excellent suitability for processing due to its smooth skin and flat eyes.
The waxy potato variety Violetta combines a pleasant and strong taste with a shapely, long-oval tuber. Violetta is a purple-skinned, purple-fleshed, medium-early potato variety. It has a high content of anthocyanins, these vegetable pigments can be beneficial to health. The variety is very robust against iron spot and black spot.
Vigorously short shoots growing pattypan squash/pumpkin with flat, round, finely cupped, orange fruits. The very aromatic fruits can be harvested young (approx. 5 cm Ø) like zucchini with skin or ripe (approx. 450 g) for filling and pickling.
Early to second early, medium sized, white forcing radish with high uniformity, ca. 25 cm long. Classic single roots. Suitable for early and late seaon production outdoors. Without a tendancy to become stringy. Compact leaf with slightly reddish veins. Especially selected on flavour and tender consistency.
This radish is white, dimensionally stable and long. It has mild and juicy flesh. The variety is dimensionally stable even with a longer harvest window and only rarely becomes furry. The harvest window is positively long without the radish becoming overhanging.
Vigorous, short stemmed variety with a powerful root system and strong leaf growth. Dense, elliptical heads with a short inner stem. Short to medium term storage. Rodynda is sweet and aromatic, not strong in taste and with a good flavour. Suitable for eating raw.
Compact growing wild rocket with fresh green, round shaped, indented leaves. Very upright leaf form. Late bolting and good resistance to downy mildew. Develops rapidly. Ideal for protected cropping. Pleasantly sweet with a mild spiciness.
Very large, shiny green lettuce. Forms stable heads with a well-closed underside. Tender leaves with a typical fine aroma. Especially resistant to browning at the edges and blight.
Bright wine-red, upright growing romaine lettuce with a tender, green heart. Forms large, elongated, very colorful, delicate leaves with a crisp, red-green mid-rib. Rosha can be harvested young as a baby leaf. This sweet romaine lettuce variety is ideal for colorful salad mixtures. Also available in pelleted seeds.
Red leaved Batavia lettuce with a fresh colour. Heavy compact plants without head formation. Robust plant with sealed underleaf. For use throughout the outdoor growing season. Also available in pelleted form (primed).
Compact, upright growing, green romaine lettuce, forms beautiful, loose heads with red-washed leaf edges. The elongated, delicate leaves with a crispy mid- rib, have very fine aroma and virtually free of bitterness. Can be harvested at an early stage as a baby leaf.
Voluminous, beautiful, light green oak leaf lettuce from ReinSaat breeding. Forms very large, heavy and firmly-filled heads with wavy, oak-leaf-shaped leaves. Good aromatic taste. Bolt-resistant variety.
Vigorous autumn variety with medium to dark emerald green, strongly crinkled surrounding leaves. Firm round to oval shaped heads, medium sized inner stem. Good and delicate flavour.
Visually appealing late summer and autumn savoy cabbage with a blistered leaf opening up into rose-like, medium-sized heads. Harmoniously layered, particularly fine surrounding dark green leaves, relatively homogenous growth. Growing time ca. 85 days.
Improved Matador. High yielding, second early variety with large, tender leaves. For spring or autumn cultivation and for overwintering. Late to shoot. Slower growing than 'Butterflay'.
Large leaved, second early variety with rather tender leaves. Particularly suitable for autumn and winter cultivation. Very characteristic leaves with pointed tips at the lower end. Flavour is particularly aromatic and therefore best used raw in salad.
Zaphito is botanically a squash but can be used as young fruit like a courgette. The skin is edible too. The fruits should be harvested when they are 8-12 cm long and with a pale green colour. The fruits have yellow flesh. The plants are non-trailing but can grow 1 metre long. The taste is reminiscent of fresh peas.
Maturity (shortest period) ca. 85-95 days. Medium tall growth. The cobs are somewhat smaller than later varieties.
Vigorous tall sweet corn. Cob size is similar to Mezdi and Tramunt. SH2 type with an intense sweetness and well rounded flavour. Around 100 days to maturity.
Vigorously growing, relatively burst-resistant variety with long internodes. Up to 50 cm long, parallel trusses densely covered with red, cherry-sized tomatoes. Crunchy, firm, small, aromatic sweet fruits. Fruit diameter approx. 2-3 cm. Fruit weight approx. 10-15 g. Very high yielding variety.
Vigorous ordinary type of tomato with relatively large, oval, dark red to brown ripe fruits. Fruits weigh around 110 g. High yielding potential, very even harvest through to the end of the season. Balanced aromatic taste.
Open growing, early ripening bush tomato with fruity-sweet tasting, round, red fruits. Pinching out side shoots is not necessary with this dwarf bush tomato. Height up to 65 cm. Plant should be supported with a stake.
Medium-late ripening variety with green flamed fruits to red flamed ripe fruits. Large tomatoes have a thin, pressure- and burst-resistant skin and raspberry-red flamed flesh. Balanced aromatic taste. To avoid overripe fruits, early harvest is recommended. Fruit weight 200-300 g.
Red date tomato with an open tall growing habit, easy to cultivate. Firm fruits with a weight of 10-15 g and a uniform colour. Resistant to splitting. Easy to pick with sepals. Healthy plants, resistant to Cladosporium and blossom end rot. Aromatic, slightly sour taste.
Indeterminate date tomatoes from ReinSaat breeding. Deep red, burst-resistant fruits with firm flesh and an exceptionally good, sweet-aromatic taste. Long shelf life in storage. Fruit weight approx. 15 g. Proven resistance to tomato mosaic virus (tobamovirus PO).
The fast-growing, red-fruited plum tomato Donnavita has a high yielding potential. Firm 50 g fruits, attractive colour and firm fruit flesh of an agreeable consistency. Harmonious form and easy to cultivate, sweet and mild aromatic flavour.
Medium early, very vigorous tomato with rounded oval, split resistant fruits. Very healthy plants particularly resistant to blight. Good yields. Well developed fruity flavour.
The variety Duttingold is a vigorously growing, bright yellow, normal fruiting tomato for the open ground. Homogenous stand with high resistance to Phytophthora (potato blight). Health, firm fruits, very split-resistant. High yield potential, average fruit weight of about 60 g. Pleasantly aromatic, pronounced acidic taste.
Indeterminate flesh tomato of the ox heart type. Its elongated shape, which is almost pointed at the bottom, makes the pink fruit particularly attractive. Compact flesh with a fresh, aromatic taste. Fruit weight: 120 - 150 g.
Healthy oxheart tomato with heart-shaped fruits that turn yellow when ripe. High potential yields, the fruits weigh around 340 g and are well coloured and even in shape. Easily managed plant form. Very good taste.
Open growing, early ripening bush tomato with fruity-sweet tasting, round, red fruits. Pinching out side shoots is not necessary with this dwarf bush tomato. Height up to 65 cm. Plant should be supported with a stake.
Cocktail tomato / Mini San Marzano. Indeterminate, high yielding variety with oval, elongated, thick-fleshed, deep red tomatoes. Long, parallel trusses with long-lasting fruits, easy to harvest without a calyx. Intensive tomato flavor. Fruit weight 35 - 45 g.
Attractive tomato for outdoor cultivation with flat-round fruits that ripen from green to reddish-flamed green. Juicy, light green to reddish marbled, low-acid flesh with an aromatic fresh taste. Thin, relatively burst-resistant skin. Fruits can easily ripen “on shelfs”, therefore early harvest is recommended. Fruit weight approx. 100 g.
Indeterminate, vital, very high-yielding cocktail tomato variety from ReinSaat breeding. Beautiful orange-colored, approx. 2-3 cm large, burst-resistant fruits on long panicles. Orange-colored flesh with an aromatic fruity taste and balanced acid-sugar ratio. Fruit weight approx. 20 g. Suitable for all form of sales.
Stable, indeterminate, medium-early ripening, large flesh tomato (French ox heart type). Fruits are attractively ribbed, shiny red in color, have little juice and high fruit content. Fruit weight approx. 150-300 g. Fresh, aromatic, slightly sweet taste. Double shoots cultivation is possible.
Mauro Rosso is a variety with a very intense taste and is particularly suitable for processing, e.g. for making tomato sauces.
The orange-colored variant of the red ox heart variety Cuor di bue from ReinSaat breeding. Heart-shaped, large fruits with bright orange, juicy flesh and only a few seeds. Fine, fruity aroma. Fruit weight up to 400 g. Early and long- lasting yields. Double-shoots cultivation is possible.
Sturdy outdoor tomato with attractive, small, firm and well-coloured fruits. They have firm and attractive sepals, easy to harvest. Store for a long time. The plants are pretty to look, begin cropping early and continue for a long period. Very resistant to splitting. Extremely good taste.
Strongly growing, mid - early tomato for protected cropping. The fruits are bright, rich red, fairly firm, good tasting, juicy and good for daily picking and direct marketing. Resistant to Fusarium oxysporum as well as Cladosporium.
Indeterminate, very high yielding cherry tomato. The small red, elongated fruits have firm flesh and an extremely fruity taste. They can be harvested from the long, parallel trusses without a calyx. Fruit weight 15-20 g.
Strong growing, largely blight resistant tomato, high yielding and suitable for growing outdoors and under glass. The oval shaped fruits are particularly valuable for tomato sauce production.
Early-ripening salad tomato from ReinSaat breeding ideally suitable for protected cultivation. Flat-round very firm fruits, that ripen to brown-red color. Multi-chambered, attractive red-brown flesh. Very aromatic and fruity taste. Fruit weight approx. 100-110 g. Resistant to fusarium wilt.
Medium early ripening tomato variety for greenhouse and protected cultivation. Round, firm bright red fruits with a weight of 80-100g. Due to its long shelf life, this variety is ideal for sale as tomato on the branch. Good aromatic taste with a harmonious sugar-acid balance. Variety for professional gardeners.
Medium ripening, high-yielding, indeterminately growing stake tomato. Oval-shaped, red, thick-fleshed fruits with a good taste. Fruit weight approx. 100 - 150 g. Ideal for fresh consumption as well as for processing.
Very bright red tomatoes, slightly heart shaped and with indentations round the stalk. Shiny, strong leaves with short internodes, good fruiting position. Not suited for truss harvesting. Exceptionally good flavour with balanced sweet/acid ratio.
Second early, high yield tomato with short inter-nodes for protected cropping. Beautiful, shiny very firm fruits that can ripen on the plants for a long time. Can also be harvested in racemes. Because of the long storage life, Tica is also good for supplying wholesalers. Resistant to: Fusarium oxysporum, Tobacco mosaic virus, Verticillium.
A healthy cherry tomato with harmonious growth. Split resistant, brilliant red, slightly oval fruits. Easy to manage with its fine form and short internodes. Good for bowls of ´cherry mix´. Also suitable for outdoor cultivation. Very good, sweet flavour.
High yielding bush tomato from ReinSaat breeding. Large fruits (for a bush tomato variety) have deep yellow flesh and are very tasty. Supporting the plants is recommended. Early yield. Suitable for pot cultivation. Fruit weight approx. 170 - 200 g.
A green, flat-round turnip with a low tendency for developing side roots and low mildew susceptibility. Narrow leaf base and hence easy to harvest. Relatively uniform roots with mid-green leaves. Bolt resistant and good storage capacity. Exceptionally good flavour.
A variety with vigorous, uniform growth and bountiful leaves, mid to early season growth. Needs warmth, recommended for growing under glass or plastic. Attractive, somewhat crinkly pods, 50-60 cm in length and weighing about 20 g. Their pale green colour is clearly distinguishable from the leaves and makes them easy to harvest. Ready to pick after 70 days. About 4 to 8 weeks harvest window. Recommendation is to pick every two days. A harmonious slightly acidic taste reminiscent of potatoes. The pods can be eaten raw, the leaves (without stalk) can be eaten too. Suitable for stir-fried dishes.
Excellent, medium early ripening, vigorously growing, fine-ribbed storage cabbage variety. Forms densely filled, medium-sized, well-rounded heads with a short inner stalk. Heads weight 1.5-2 kg. Excellent taste. Ideally suited for fresh consumption and medium-term storage.
Medium early, uniform, pointed cabbage head surrounded by relatively dark grey-green leaves. Harmonious head-to-leaf ratio and a point that is gently rounded. Matures some 10 days later than Eersteling. Medium sized heads 800-1000 g. Resistant to splitting. Suitable for growing outdoors throughout the season. Extends harvest when planted at the same time as Eersteling.
Improved 'Marner Industrie'. Late maturing, uniform, processing variety with broad round heads on healthy plants. Leaf is firmer than 'Holsteiner Platter'. Makes particulary tasty sauerkraut and can be used for juice production.
Excellent for slicing, with a high potential yield. Forms well rounded heads with firm internal leaf layering. Cultivation period ca. 120 days. Mildly aromatic taste, can also be recommended for coleslaw.
Vigorous, short stemmed variety with regular shaped surrounding leaves. Firm, round to oval shaped head, short inner stem, stores well until January. Dottenfelder Dauer is good to eat and has a well round healthy flavour. Ideal for eating raw too. Average weight 1.5 kg.
Vigorous, heavy yielding store cabbage. The leaves are covered with a thick wax layer. The dense, closed head is elliptical in shape and with a very short inner stem. The variety is ideal for storing. Similar in taste to Dottenfelder Dauer but with a somewhat lighter aroma and less sweet.
Edward is a white radish for the open ground with a slim, slightly round shape and feathery leaves. Smooth surface with minimal side root growth. Strong crown with ca. 30 cm long leaves. Roots 25 cm long. Medium length growing period, for the entire growing season. Good level of sharpness with sweetness and flavour.
Yellow beet with orange skin. The inside is yellow with light, white rings. Healthy, upright foliage. Can be cultivated on both heavy and light soils. Rapid development in warm temperatures.
Die Früchte von Serafina sind zylindrisch, mittellang, dunkelgrün marmoriert und glänzend und lassen sich gut brechen.
Ertragreiche, gesunde Zucchini mit leuchtend gelben Früchten. Sie sind walzenförmig mit gelbgrünem Fruchthals. Die Pflanzen sind unverzweigt und weisen einen kräftigen, aber offenen Wuchs auf, so dass sich die Zucchini leicht ernten lassen. Gute Haltbarkeit nach der Ernte.