Organic breeding makes the organic sector better and more independent. The special display “Organic right from the start” repeats the success of the previous year.
At the Nuremberg BIOFACH from 13 to 16 February 2019, 20 different organic breeding initiatives presented themselves in a special display: This showcased what organic breeding has already achieved but also where further development is needed. Because only plant varieties and animal breeds that are specially tailored to organic farming make organic farming sustainable. This benefits the entire organic sector.
Following last year’s great success, European organic breeders under the leadership of the Swiss organic organization Bioverita once again presented the exhibition “Organic right from the start”. In the middle entrance foyer of the exhibition center, visitors were not only able to look at exhibits but also to talk to breeders and join a discussion forum on organic breeding. The central message was: Independent organic breeding is a fundamental cornerstone for organic farming and thus also for organic processors and organic traders.
On the special display platform, more than 20 exhibition partners came together on an area of around 300m2. Anna-Lena May, project manager of bioverita, was one of the people responsible for the special display. After 4 days at the exhibition, she was convinced that the special displays made it possible for the organic industry to experience and understand the importance of organic breeding and seeds – organic right from the start. In addition, the 8 topic areas with different designs based on their topic were populated with striking exhibits. Organic breeders were represented with their stands right next to the topic areas. This enabled active exchanges.
The special display aimed to draw the attention of visitors to the lack of funding for organic breeding. This took the form of a 3x2m wooden panel, where personal comments were collected on A5 postcards and fastened to the wall. This action was planned and carried out in collaboration with the FiBL Support Center and the BÖLW under the banner “Engagement with organic breeding”.
5 to 7 specialist lectures were held daily in a communication forum integrated into the exhibition space. At the end of the 4 day exhibition, the conclusion was positive. There was positive feedback from many visitors representing the entire value chain.
This is naturally highly encouraging and at the same time clearly shows the importance of such an exhibition platform. However, there will not be another special display in this format. Therefore discussions are currently under way with the exhibition management of NürnbergMesse on the format of a possible follow-up for 2020. 2019 will see the launch of further projects with organic wholesalers who, together with bioverita, would like to ensure better publicity for organic breeding.
Contact for press and media:
Markus Johann, Phone: +41 79 636 5364, Email:,