Potato Heiderot

Potato Heiderot

Variety name: Potato Heiderot

Bred by: Ellenberg’s Kartoffelvielfalt GmbH & Co KG

Seed purchase: Ellenberg’s Kartoffelvielfalt GmbH & Co KG

Variety description

Heiderot is characterized by a red flesh color and a slightly buttery, tasty potato flavor. It is a red-skinned, medium-late, waxy potato variety with long-oval tubers. She has a smooth shell and flat eyes. High nematode resistance; Ro1 (8), 3 (9), 5 (8).

Growing recommendations

Please check the seed retailer's website.

Additional information

This variety is a newly bred, organic variety. It was cultivated under organic conditions from the start, so that it is optimally adapted to organic cultivation. Varieties that carry the bioverita label are reproducible because they are open pollinated. They offer commercial gardeners an alternative to hybrid seed.