Biofach 2025: Meeting point Organic breeding
From 11-14 February, bioverita and many partners will once again be organising a joint stand on the topic of organic breeding at Biofach. It’s well worth a visit!
From 11-14 February, bioverita and many partners will once again be organising a joint stand on the topic of organic breeding at Biofach. It’s well worth a visit!
For this year’s BIOFACH bioverita organized again a large joint stand under the slogan “Meeting Point Organic Breeding” – both as a contact point for comprehensive information and as a networking and discussion forum on organic breeding
Interview with Markus Johann, Managing Director and delegate of the bioverita board, on the occasion of bioverita`s 10th anniversary.
The organic nursery Watzkendorf for years has placed particular emphasis on pure line varieties. They have also included varieties from organic breeding for many years. In December 2020, the nursery concluded a user agreement with bioverita. This opened the way for adding certified varieties to their product list using the bioverita label to draw the […]
The Pulvermühle farm in Volgelsheim in Alsace has been managed by the Schmidt family for six generations. For more than 50 years they have cultivated organic vegetables and cereals on approximately 115 hectares of land, among other things selling into the German and Swiss markets. Wholesale partner Rinklin Naturkost from Kaiserstuhl is also one of […]
Did you know that most of our dishes today are based on no more than nine plant and five animal species? One of the many reasons why we need comprehensive support for organic breeding. A new film from FIBL and the European project Engagement.Biobreeding clearly shows the correlations:
There are many good reasons for organic breeding! But the correlations are complex and often difficult to grasp for end users. How do you best master the challenge of bringing the topic to the general public? This is what the FIBL online workshop will be about on February 18, 2021 as part of the digital […]
Portrait of breeder Kathrin Buhmann For Kathrin Buhmann, the attraction of her work in breeding lies in the interplay between two opposing poles, the theoretical and scientific pole on the one side and the surprises that nature always has in store on the other. “Based on the theory, you have certain expectations. Once in the […]
The days are shorter, the temperatures cooler. Autumn has come! The range of vegetables is also undergoing noticeable changes and more and more autumn and winter vegetables are appearing. In the coming months, 18 different bioverita-certified varieties from organic breeding will be available from German organic food retailers through our five marketing partners Bodan, Grell, […]
The organic wholesaler Naturkost West, based in Duisburg, supplies organic shops and markets in North Rhine-Westphalia with a full range. For many years the company has supported bioverita and thus the ideas of organic breeding. Since the beginning of August, bioverita varieties have also been part of the vegetables on offer on a regular basis. […]