This year’s BIOFACH will take place from 13 – 16 February. bioverita is organising a joint stand for the fourth time under the motto “Meeting Point Organic Breeding” with a large number of partners who are committed to organic breeding. In addition to bioverita and the Dachverband ökologische Pflanzenzüchtung in Deutschland e.V. (umbrella organisation for organic plant breeding in Germany), breeding initiatives and research institutions as well as organic companies from the seed trade, plant nurseries, food production and trade will be represented at the stand:
- Bayerische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft Ökozüchtungsplattform
- Bingenheimer Saatgut AG
- Bioland Handelsgesellschaft
- Bio-Gärtnerei Watzkendorf GmbH
- Bio Partner Schweiz AG
- Biosaat GmbH
- BioTropic Gesellschaft zur Erzeugung und zum Vertrieb ökologischer Produkte mbH
- Bodan Großhandel für Naturkost GmbH
- Christiansens Biolandhof
- Dachverband ökologischer Pflanzenzüchtung in Deutschland e.V.
- De Bolster
- Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL)
- Grell Naturkost
- Gut Wulfsdorf
- Hofgut Rimpertsweiler
- Kultursaat e.V.
- Natterer GmbH
- Naturkost Elkershausen GmbH
- Naturkost Schramm Import/Export GmbH
- Naturkost West GmbH
- Poma Culta e.V.
- ReinSaat GmbH
- Rinklin Naturkost GmbH
- Saat:gut e.V.
- Sativa Rheinau AG
- Terra Naturkost Handels KG
- Zukunftsstiftung Landwirtschaft
You will find us in hall 7A at stand 731.
A total of six guided tours on organic breeding will take place at the stand during the trade fair. Two of them will be held in English (Wednesday, 14 February 24, at 3 pm and Thursday, 15 February 24, at 10 am). Various organic breeding initiatives and representatives of the seed trade will report on their practical experience. In addition, specific processing and marketing examples of varieties from organic breeding will be presented, explaining the added value of organic breeding for organic farming and the organic trade.
Come along and find out more!