Moving foreward seed and plant breeding in Organic Agriculture
The SEEDS Platform integrates organic seed and plantbreeding specific knowledge, concerns, positions and issues into the work that IFOAM Organics Internationalc onducts at the global level.
Members of the IFOAM SEEDS are committed to supporting the organic movement with cultivars bred in a fairer and more participatory way.
Learn more on: IFOAM Seeds Platform online

Seeding the Green Future
Green Cotton II: Participatory decentraliced organic cotton breeding in India.
- Securing the availability & accessibility of non-GM seeds for organic cotton production and organic textiles
- Conservation and use of genetic diversity of traditiona lcotton species
- Initiating participatory cotton breeding programs under organic conditions
- Empowering female and male farmers to maintain and breed theirown seeds
- Integrating breeding into the whole cotton value chain
Learn more on: www.greencotton.org

European Consortium for Organic Plant Breeding
Non-profit association founded in 2001 aims at promoting organic plantbreeding and building up an independent expertise.
- Foster exchange of knowledge and experiences
- Promote standards, practice and legal frameworks for organic plantbreeding
- Develop positionpapers and policy recommendation with respect to organic plantbreeding and organic seed
Learn more on: http://www.eco-pb.org